Friday, April 27, 2012

A Volunteer Reflection

"Though volunteering was a requirement for me, I am thankful for being introduced to this part of Ball State because the volunteering has helped me not only explore more of Muncie and what the city has to offer, but I have already met many organizations and plan on volunteering next semester on my free time. From my personal experience, all of the people I have worked with have been extremely friendly and accommodating and it has helped me as I adjust as a new college student. I’m glad that I became associated with SVS early on in my college career because that means that I have more time to devote to participating in my community."
- Talor Poore

1 comment:

jass said...

As you know Volunteering is really a ultimate way to get work experience! You learn new skills by trying new jobs.You might find something you'd like to do for a living, or discover what you would not want to do.

Voluntary work