Saturday, April 13, 2013

ICC Conference 2013

Ball State's SVS sent a group of Program Coordinators to the
Indiana Campus Compact Conference on April, 5 2013.
Here are some reflections from their experiences.

I had way too much fun at ICC for waking up at 7am on a Friday. It was a great bonding experience between me and the girls that went. I got to know them more on a personal level from the group sharing. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I got to the conference; however the breakout sessions really put my life into perspective. This conference coerced me into thinking about my future and what I can accomplish with life.
- Jes Wade, PC at Boys and Girls Club Muncie
Indiana Campus Compact [held] a fantastic conference. The speakers renewed my desire to be civically engaged. At first, listening to the speakers describe all of their goals and accomplishments made me feel guilty because I felt like I hadn't been doing enough for my community. However, as the conference went on, I became inspired to put more effort into making my community a better place. I even wrote out a step by step process to implement a new volunteer program I have wanted to establish since last semester. Yesterday, I took the first step of that plan and can't wait to see how the whole idea turns out. I encourage everybody to attend the conference because I believe everybody could benefit from attending Indiana Campus Compact [Conference]. I know I certainly did.   
- Jessica Burger, PC at  Ross Community Center, Inc.

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