Thursday, February 19, 2009

Alternative Breaks to Fundraise for Trip to St. Louis

The SVS Alternative Breaks program is in the final blitz of fundraising for their trip to St. Louis, MO during the 2009 Spring Break, March 8-14th. During their time in St. Louis , they will be engaging in several community service projects, team-buliding exercises, and having lots of fun!

If you would like to help support the Alternative Breaks program and what they will do for the St. Louis community, please attend one of the following events:

T-Shirt Sale/Bake Sale: February 25th, 26th, 27th, Teachers College concourse 10am-5pm

Waffle Sale: 10pm-12am in Studebaker West residence hall 1st floor lobby

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lend A Hand Day to Collect for Needy Families

On March 28, 2009, Student Voluntary Services will hold its 21st Annual Lend-A-Hand Day at the YWCA. This event is designed to benefit the needy families of the Muncie and Delware County communities by giving them the chance to shop for gently used clothes, cleaning supplies, and baby items. SVS has deposited collection barrels all over the BSU campus for students and faculty members to donate. Each Friday throughout the semester, SVS students and volunteers will collect the donated items. Collections will continue until March 20, 2009.

If you or your organization would like to donate to Lend-A-Hand Day, you may drop off your items in the Student Center room 118.

Questions, comments, concerns? Email, or call 765-285-3476.